Yesterday I had surgery to remove a piece of bone that was loose in my knee. The history of this injury is long and perhaps a bit uninteresting but I'm going to share it anyways.
It started during a skiing trip in Tahoe when I was in High School, it was the end of the day and I was tired and thought I could do a little jump but I turned in the air and somehow landed with my right ski going uphill and at that point my knee swelled up and the ride back to Santa Rosa in the car was pretty miserable.
The second serious injury was when I was working in San Francisco for Landor Associates and a couple of us were kicking a soccer ball around at an off site party. I planted my foot and turned and heard my knee pop, this time it was really bad, I was taken to an urgent care in San Francisco because the swelling was so bad they drained some of it from my knee, which was very unpleasant. I suspect that it was this injury which broke off the bone that I had removed yesterday, since that time (which I think was about 7 years ago), every so often the bone would slip out of it's place within my knee and it would be very painful, but I could push it back down into it's hiding spot and it would be ok. I think because that injury was Worker's Compensation, the doctors just kinda pushed me through the process, at that point I didn't know that I had this large piece of bone floating around in my knee.
The most recent injury to my knee happened while practicing the Japanese martial art: Aikido where once again my kneed popped and swelled up. Months after many x-rays, MRIs and Doctors apointments I finally got the surgery (The HMO run-around is a topic for another blog post) and now I'm happilly recovering at home. This recovery is almost like a vacation for me because I've been insanely busy at work lately and am enjoying "Working from home," catching up on TiVo, Facebook, Blogging and other things that some of my coworkers do while "working."
In a related topic, the day before my surgery I moved my computer downstairs so that I could work from home without going up and down the stairs all the time. While moving my computer I heard a sound of a light clanging around in the box but didn't think much of it because there are some small peices that make noice on the system when I move it. Last night when I went to power on the system it gave me an error in the bootup sequence, something about CMOS or BIOS checksum failed which I'd never seen before, I went into the BIOS and checked for anything obviously amuck, but didn't notice anything glaring. Attempting to continue past the checksum error the system refused to boot up giving some RAID error. I then realized that the BIOS wasn't detecting my primary hard-drive and then proceeded to perform some surgery of my own on my system. I quickly found the cause of the noise, somehow a metal drive mount had come loose and was sitting on top of my main HD, I removed the offending metal piece (which incidentially I wasn't able to find where it had come from), and tried to boot up my system. After a bit of tinkering it looked like the BIOS was set for RAID (which I don't have), so I disabled the RAID settings and my drive was detected and the computer booted up sucessfully, what a relief! Somehow it seems that the metal peice must have caused the BIOS to reset back to factory defaults, I'm just lucky that it didn't fry my motherboard. The strangest thing to me about all this is that my Computer needed surgery at the same time I did.