Monday, July 26, 2004

Flossing Passionately

No I am not trying to compete for the world's most boring blog, but I've never really enjoyed flossing my teeth, brushing is fine, but flossing....ugh!
Recently, however, I've discovered the joy of flossing, the sensation of getting the glide floss inbetween each tooth, making sure the floss goes completely into the gum next to each tooth, and then the satisifaction that one gets from seeing the plaque and small food items that appear after each crevise has been attended to. As I write this entry my mouth craves the attention it recieves from a good flossing. The clean feeling that you have afterwards is almost as good as right after getting your teeth professionally cleaned at the dentist, and then being able to run your tongue across your smooth clean teeth. I've noticed that I usually get more debris (plaque, etc...) from the top teeth than from the bottom, which goes against what one would logically think since gravity should pull the food to the lower teeth. If anyone knows what the reason for more food debris being on the top teeth, please share it with the rest of us avid flossers.

My flossing environment (mouth) is somewhat unique, I've got a capped baby tooth that requires special attention when flossing, and unfortunately it looks like I'm going to have to have braces to straighten it out before I get it removed and get an implant (I've been told that I should go the implant route instead of getting a bridge). I'm concerned that braces will put a serious damper on my current single/dating status, but I guess I've gotta just bite the bullet and get it over with (braces aren't cheap either, so I'm not looking forward to that).


Anonymous said...

1. Flossing daily can prevent the excruciatingly painful (not to mention expensive)gum surgery that is inevitably necessarry without a long faithful flossing reginmen.

2. There have been lots of advances in dental procedures in the last few years. I'm sure you can find a way to fix that tooth without an implant OR a bridge.

3. "Crest has been shown to be an effective decay preventive dentifrice that can be of significant value when used in a regfular program of oral hygiene and regular professional care."

That last one doesn't mean anything other than it is a real rtestament to the powwer of buig advsertising budgets in the 60's and 70's which indelibly etched advertising crap into my generations heads. The fact that I know that by wrote is very sick indeed.

Anonymous said...

I think where your build up occurs on your teeth is a personal thing. I know that I have way more problems with my bottom teeth. My hygentist says that I have some sort of saliva gland that's causing build up between my two front teeth on the bottom.

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