Tuesday, October 19, 2004

L.A. Rain and Crunching Snails

Thank god for rain in Los Angeles, the air is clean, the pollution is washed down the drain and you just feel better throughout the day. Listening to the rain is soothing, and makes you want to just sit by the fire and listen to the sound of the rain droping on the roof and the windows of your cabin up in the woods. Of course, it's really nice when you can just observe the rain from inside your cozy fortress, but when you have to go out and brave the elements it's another story, accidents caused by morons who don't know how to drive in the rain and the resulting traffic that congests the 10, the 405, and the 101 make it somewhat more difficult to get anywhere.
Another disadvantage of the rain is it brings up all the snails and worms who want to get a drink but not drown. If the dammed things would just know not to be in the dark and in the middle of the path to take out the trash I wouldn't have to kill an innocent snail, mearly crossing the asfault to get to the other side of the parking lot. The sound of a shoe against a snail's shell rates pretty high up there with fingernails against a chalkboard, and after you realize that that loud crunching noise was just some poor snails last thought before being gouged and punctured by it's own shell, while trying to wipe off the remains from your shoe you can't help but want to say a buddhist prayer to somehow release yourself from the bad karma brought on by the crushing.

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